I was marveling at something last night and had quite an epiphany, that I hope I can fully articulate and do justice to:) I mentioned the kitchen design changing some and the exciting ways it has evolved......and in doing that the tile backsplash will be different now.....and I am so glad that shift happened.....because I was originally going to use some leftover building materials, that remained here after my ex left, for practical purposes, and I didn't think much of it to be honest.....but now that it came to this point, and to it switching over, of course I wouldn't want to have our stuff tied at all to my new kitchen??? Right?? Like bringing any old energy into my new space feels like a hell no, now that I am really thinking on it.....and not for any other reason except the kitchen, and the design, and everything about it is mine now:) And it needs to be all new.....so it got me thinking that the kitchen feels like a living breathing thing now to me....like it has taken on a life of its own to be born and realized finally.....I consider it one of my biggest manifestations to date;-) I told the kids if I can manifest a kitchen on my own, our lake house retreat center is up the road!;-) And manifestation is such an interesting notion to me......competing with my belief in the divine timing of life in so many ways.....and knowing that things unfold as they should.....but also believing that the quality of our lives and the way our lives are, is a direct reflection of the things we are thinking and feeling.....But I can say with certainty that I willed and envisioned this kitchen into existence.....spending years looking at the unfinished ceiling and seeing the finished space.....keeping a belief and hope in my heart, a steadfast one, that the way would appear.....and it has.....in an almost effortless way if I am honest.....And that will was divinely blessed with the blessings I needed to make it happen.......I mean living without a kitchen is a little challenging for sure....but the process and the way was clear, and unfolded perfectly and easily.....which is my sign that it is meant for me! So the tile and the epiphany surrounding that spoke to me.....the fact that I almost used tile of the past to build my future....YIKES.......and the relief I feel at the evolution of the kitchen obliterating that from being possible......so it will cost me a little more, not much, but the tile will be new, alongside all of the rest.....and the kitchen will speak ALL OF ME:) My heart, my soul, my will, my gratitude, my efforts, and my contractor is bringing the vision to life in such a beautiful way.....and it is as if as the manifestation has evolved it steered us in the direction it was meant to be....remaining true to myself......and a space all of my own:) We are so close now I can feel it!!!
A close call!......