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8 weeks changes everything..........

Think about how fast 8 weeks goes by......two months blink and its gone......and much of my physical transformation happened within a span of time not too much longer than that.....consistency is powerful :) that first spring after he was gone I was in pretty decent shape already......inside of my mind and getting my physical body to an 8 week women's series is truly plenty of time to see some real changes......experience a profound shift in some real way......and if anyone were to carve out that time and be super intentional about every day of it......the results would be magical:) I am excited to meet with these women and experience this journey with them......walk inside of their stories and alongside of their truths .....and see what we see.....see what narrative they desire to craft in their lives.....what things they seek in the quiet spaces of their hearts......what things they wish to unfold......and coaching is the perfect place to do just create a space that helps them feel safe enough to explore some of those things while being fully supported.......I find so many people are hiding in their truth.....and I know how that feels......not wanting to say my truth aloud in fear of it being misunderstood or just too instead stifling it......and this coaching series is meant to have women not feel the need to stifle anything.....not here.....not around me......because in that truth is where real growth occurs.......when you finally hear yourself, and something comes out that you didn't know was in there, it is liberating......we are all in the habit of playing it safe....putting our best foot forward to be easier to deal with ......or to get along.....or whatever......yesterday we were doing character callouts in my classroom....Mads does them at her school, and I stole it for my kids in my class, and they love it......we sit on the carpet and they get to raise their hand and pick somebody to shine light on......saying I am calling out so and so because they are a good friend to everybody and always so kind....etc.etc.....they have to call out good human stuff.....and their little faces light up as they are saying something kind about their classmate, and the kid that is being called out just beams from ear to ear.....and it is beautiful to watch......the kids in my class have called me out a few times which is so sweet......and then my teacher's aide called me out yesterday to say I was always up and happy and positive which was sweet.....and joked around that she wishes I would cheer down sometimes ;-) .and this same aide walked through and helped save me in the aftermath of his leaving.....she has seen the entire walk.....and as she said that I realized that it is powerful that I get to live in joy and feeling my mood being good, and feeling happy and wanting to share that with others.......and the things that I am choosing to share in my women's series......are the things that help me get to the place in my life, every day, creating a space where I can do that......and feel those things.....and apparently have other people see that in me I hope you will join us on this journey and see what treasures you can find within these 8 weeks to take with you too:)

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