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THE 8 things.......

I came across this cool article the other day and I thought I would share some of its my own words of course;-) It is in line with the stuff that has been on my mind as of late......yesterday I did my video on saying NO to the things that diminish us or deplete us....and to push past the notion that life can't be joyful and happy.....that it just has to be trudging up hill.....or full of duty stuff....doing a bunch of stuff we don't want is challenging no question....and I am beginning to feel like mine might always be??;-) Maybe?? And you know what that is OK....whatever my journey is meant to be I embrace it fully.....and I am here for it......but I have learned something.....the secret to living some....and that is that no matter what is happening in my life....what stuff comes to find me.....I get to choose.....I get to choose to spend each day being intentional about my decisions....and what things I do to bring some light, love, peace, hope, faith, and joy into my experience here alongside the is a choice.....a this article I found spoke to this....and I felt it worth sharing.....because in my old life some of this would not have occurred to me....some would have....but definitely not I thought a few other people may be in that boat too......and it spoke about the things that affect our vibration....and the way we FEEL in this world....and gosh isn't that worth something....I know for me that was the biggest difference and change I felt after I came out of the dark after my ex how much lighter I felt, energetic, almost as if I could feel the vibrations coming from my soul.....I just felt so good from a deep soul is hard to explain but it was so palpable.....however I have found that maintaining that feeling.....that feeling I am captivated by and love, takes intention and work.....because life circumstance, people, and places have a way of depleting our to maintain vibrating higher you have to remain mindful of these things I am about to share:) Ready??? I have found them to be true for me too......The first one is our THOUGHTS....and wow this one may be the biggest....if your mind is just a dumpster fire of negativity, and unkind self talk to yourself and about others, your vibration isn't going anywhere......our thoughts have such power, and we need to be mindful of what goes on up there;-) ......the second one is THE COMPANY WE KEEP...that is also so important.....making sure the people we surround ourselves with are in line with who we want to be in this life....and are intentional about living in the ways we are.....the life speakers, the hope speakers, the love speakers.....yeah those people:) the third one is MUSIC....and I say hell yes to this one too! It is crucial to pay attention not only to how the music you choose makes you feel, but also the lyrics.....what lyrics are you speaking to your mind.....which is taking it all all matters.....The fourth is THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT...what are you watching and reading.....what affect is it having on your brain and you? The fifth one is your ATMOSPHERE, how does the physical space in your life both at home and work look? Is it pleasant. tidy, open to receiving more of those things? Pay attention to what your surroundings look like, and if it promotes peace and relaxation...The sixth one is WORD, what are you speaking and feeling about others....are you negatively trashing those around you constantly....or feeling negative about everything and everyone?? That is a vibration attention to the words you speak consistently.......The 7th is GRATITUDE, and I can vouch for this one for such a long time....I have had an attitude of gratitude in my life for a long time and it is a game changer.....focusing on the blessings over all else.....I have found there is ALWAYS SO MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL for no matter what....and being grateful causes you to find more things to be grateful for, like magic:) And the final one is LOVE......the love we hold in our hearts....the love we give....the love we receive....the quality of our ability to give lovin;-) It all makes sense right????.....and so simple really......I would add moving your body matter how....walking or exercising....anything.....and meditating....both of them I find to be vibration boosters too;-) So enjoy your Sunday and get that vibration UP, you will be happy that you did:)

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