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500 BLOGS!!!!!

Ok so today marks my 500th blog! Wait what???? LOL:) It is so much to think on and reflect means my life has been so different for over 500 means 500 times I sat in the chair I am sitting in, and shared my heart, and whatever inspiration touched me every means that there are 500 pieces of me that I released, and don't have to have rattling around anymore......It means that I have had loyal readers for 500 blogs.......I am so grateful to each and every one of you:) TRULY! .......To those of you that read those that pop on once in awhile........every single one of you.......I am so humbled that people still care to read it as it has taken shape and found its way into existence........When I think of how much has changed over the last 500 plus is kinda hard to wrap my head around fully.....kinda hard to believe.......and this blog has been a living and breathing testament to the enormous shifts that have taken over my the the tragedy, to the heartache, to the triumph.......all of is kind of cool to have it written somewhere......and there to look back on someday.......I am putting my early blogs together in my book......alongside some other stuff........will tackle more of that this summer too......excited to tackle that process and see it come together too.......this blog has been an absolute gift to my question.......I am trying to remember where the urge to do it came from......and I really think that writing has always been a love of mine......however I never ever used it as an outlet in any consistent way.......but when he left........I think I had such big feelings and big things moving through me, that instinctively I knew they could not stay.....they had to find a release, a release beyond talking to friends and family.......and these pieces found an escape route........into my blog........and it has done just has helped me has helped me find my has helped me hear myself.....and what is actually going on inside of has come to me organically.......I normally have some topic or experience come to me in the morning, and when I sit down I have not the slightest idea where it will end......but my fingers do......they take on a life of their own and the words pour out.....from my soul........from my heart.......from the deepest parts of me.......and then they end, just the way they are supposed to I suppose.......writing has been a gift that is never lost on me.......being able to articulate myself through written word has been so huge for me in every part of my life........I didn't realize that 500 times ago, I was also building a bridge to a future coaching business, and that this blog would help get my name people get my message.......understand my heart........that it would become a representation of has been a vehicle to take me to so many places......and every day I look forward to writing it.....each day excited to see what comes up.......what steps forward to be heard.......and I feel lighter on the other side.......ready to start my day:) So again I say how appreciative I am to those of you that read it.......I often have said I would write it if nobody read it, it is THAT important to me.......but the fact that people do is such a gift to me:). 500 wow! Just wow! Here's to 500 more:). Can't wait to see the direction my blog continues to take, I go wherever it leads, committed to the journey, each and every day:)

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