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30 day challenge!

This morning finds me pretty sore;-).....I ended up mowing yesterday, after all the blowing on Sunday, and the other stuff I did. I was home with Gabe since he wasn't feeling well.....So I worked out, and went for a run, and all the rest and my body is feeling it lol:) However it feels good to have most of it done:) But yard work, especially the kind when I can't have music playing lends itself to thought.....however as a side note, a FB friend offered me wireless headphones for my yard work based on my post! Her husband works for Toshiba and they have a ton around, so I am meeting her this week, and so excited and grateful:) Manifesting some tunes while I do the things;-) Which leads me nicely into today's thoughts.....I have some things I want to manifest in my life.....some things I can feel that are out there and meant for me.....and I decided to extend a meditation challenge to myself:) I have said that I am in the meant to be camp, mostly...believing much of our journey is laid out to some degree, leaving it up to us to follow our heart, soul, and intuition to the places we are meant to go....however I also deeply believe in free will, and the power of visualizing, and thinking of life sort of like a choose your own adventure story! .....I am really good at visualizing....have been all of my a little girl I had a great imagination, that took me to so many magical places:) And I have been back in touch with that imagination in this chapter....using it to drive my dreams and ambitions, for the second half of my life! So I decided that using meditation to be more intentional might be the thing.....and maybe that is why I have grown to like meditation so much? As I type this that occurs to me.....meditation, especially guided meditation is based on using our imaginations to visualize it all......I tend to choose guided meditations in a random way.....whatever speaks to me at the time....and as I mentioned a little while back, I haven't been as consistent as I normally am, and I am feeling that lack of my intention is to get intentional! Outline specific desires and work toward the manifesting of them.....and meditating faithfully on those things for 30 Lake house retreat center meditation is my I do not expect that to come to me in 30 days lol:) I wish! Lol, but I have watched with great delight as the details have come into crisper and clearer focus, a dream and vision that is crystal clear......and trusting that since it was placed on my heart to desire and SEE that it will be realized one day.....I have read that so often.....that the things that are manifested in our reality are always manifested in our minds first.....created there until they see the light of day......and I believe in that, and have seen it in action.....I have talked many times about what you focus on grows, and where your attention is going is what you are we shall see.....I have a couple of things on my radar.....going to get intentional about them, and see what I see:) If nothing else it will get me more intentional about my meditation again....which I need to be! Enjoy the day!

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