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28 days.....

The time was going to pass anyway right.....this past 28 days would find me doing pilates or not.....;-) and I am glad I did! It was a fun little journey....learning some new exercises and watching my strength increase....feeling it as I progressed.....each time meeting an exercise with more endurance to complete it, and feeling more confident doing it.....I am most definitely walking away from this challenge with exercises to add to my arm/abs day and my leg days....some REALLY good that is exciting, to see what the hybrid/ strength/pilates routine will do for me, and where it will find me come spring:) I have started lifting a little heavier weights throughout my workout, and want to get a bar at some point to do some lighter weight with....nothing too crazy....I haven't done as much running as I have wanted to....yet, due to my treadmill being broken, and it being so cold outside but that is my plan as longer days find us, and it warming up:) I also want to get ropes this summer for my workout can attach them to the wall and I want to give them a try! My friend gave me her old treadmill, and it is a matter of getting it set up, it is in my garage so I want to make that happen too....I miss this challenge found me expanding my fitness which was the goal....trying something new....seeing how it felt....and deciding how I move forward....I am looking for another challenge to take on now, and haven't found it quite yet, but soon:) And it all helps me face it all....yesterday was a CRAZY day lol...I had an early meeting, had to leave by 6:40, and was proud of myself, I went to bed earlier so I could get up a little earlier to workout.....and when I woke up to discover I was out of oil and heat....they come on Wednesdays to our area, and were coming to my house yesterday, but we didn't quite make I cranked our electric heaters and kept on keeping on....but then found myself taking a cold shower lol:) And that wasn't too fun....and than I get to my meeting and it was an intense meeting with our head police officer and ALICE training....and drills etc....I get back to my classroom, and my student teacher is there, and needed some information from me as I get settled in, and then my phone rings and Gabe rolled his ankle at school, and needed to be picked I was trying to explain to the oil people how to get into my house to reset the I was seeing if my mom could grab Gabe till I could get home, all the while teaching the stuff I needed to get in before I left.... I ended up having to take a half of a day, and was relieved to come home and put my jammies on, and catch my breath lol:) But my point is in sharing that, is my exercising, and giving to myself first thing....allows me to take a deep breath, and face the next thing that comes.....I felt like I was in a fire battle yesterday, and sensory overload, trying to problem solve and move through it all.....but I did:) With a smile on my face mostly;-) and jokes up my sleeve ;-) So I am looking forward to today! A NEW day, NEW challenges and NEW opportunities....and soon to be NEW fitness challenge:) Have a great day!

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