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28 Day Challenge!

I am excited about the possibility of my Fit February zoom on the horizon, and I truly feel like I have the information, experience, passion, and enthusiasm to really help some ladies find their way to regular exercise! And whoever I can help will make it all worthwhile:) I am challenging myself this year in my own fitness.....with some goals of my own on the in that spirit I thought I would try a program alongside my normal workout routine, to test it out and see what I thought, and if I wanted to share it as an option during the coaching series:) I am doing a 28 day Plilates workout in addition to my own workout....because well why not:) And the pilates one is only 20 min, sometimes less on some of the days....and I started yesterday....and I have to say Day 1 was even kinda challenging....I do a lot of strength training types of exercises on a regular basis, and I needed every bit of my core strength to do some of what she was asking of me, and I am definitely feeling it I will be excited to share the results of my efforts as I go! Yesterday was a crazy day! The kids had no school, and I I tried three alternative plans that fell through, and I ended up having to call out....and then as the weather descended upon our area, I was so grateful it worked that way and I wasn't driving home in it......the night before I had cut my fingertip pretty severely, and was grateful to have some time in the morning to run out and get better first aid stuff on I did a great workout yesterday....tried this pilates....and took care of stuff I needed to....and just accepted what was.....grateful we were all safe and sound amid that weather......So I continue to be excited to help aid in the acquisition of fitness for some ladies come February....interest is beginning to take hold and it is the perfect time....enough past the holidays to catch your breath....and make a plan......most of us are stuck in and have some time to some degree to use that time for our benefit.....and emerge with that summer body ready ;-) so my plan is to have some ideas to offer up as the ladies move forward....I am excited my flier gal has a flier for me to put out there, remember not my strong suit;-) And I am grateful it is hers....she is the same woman that did my logo! So I will keep you posted on my pilates journey.....I always wanted to do it regularly and give it a try.....I remember buying those pilates dvds once upon a time....and never quite getting there.....but when you are ready to get there....well you are...I do not think I could ever give up weight lifting and strength stuff totally....but I am open to trying new things always.....and try I will! Stay tuned:)

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