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23 days......

I have done 23 days of my 28 day Pilates challenge to myself.....I start my Fitness women's series on Monday and I wanted to have some more options that I could speak to for the women showing up:) And confidence in ourselves comes partly from keeping the promises we make to ourselves.....I have written on that before....most of us are decent at promising stuff to the people we love, but give ourselves a pass on the promises we make to ourselves....and that is crazy right?? But so easy to do.....I did it for years....making some promises to me, and then not upholding them, or letting life get a hold of me and there it went.....but as I am coming to the end of this challenge, it feels good that I have seen it through.....forever alchemizing my desire to have some sense of control, or power in my own life, but turning it in on me now and controlling the things I can, and releasing the rest....and feeling the peace that is found there....not trying to hang on, and force the stuff that has a life of its own....worrying about me....and my kids....we always tell kids that right? Worry about yourself.....well there is wisdom in that simple phrase.....not wasting our energy focusing externally on the actions of others....and focusing on our own actions....that is the way to finding something.....something worth I have learned some stuff from this is that I can push my body in ways that continue to challenge me.....pilates is a great workout.....really.....and it showed me I need to stretch more....realizing my muscles are tighter than I had showed me how strong I already am.....the strength I have been building on my own allowing me to do her workouts with confidence.....and showed me that I can keep a promise to matter what.....not allowing life, or schedules impede the commitment I made.....this weekend we will be on our Ice Castle adventure....and I will put my last 3 days of workout on the docket for Monday -Wednesday to finish strong....and give myself the weekend off for all of it...but will finish with fidelity......It showed me that I want to keep some pilates moves in my workout moving forward.....that is one of the things I feel proud of some....I have created my whole workout myself.....not knowing anything about anything lol:) Trial and error.....playing around with exercises, Googling different goals I have had, and how to get there, and having it all evolve into a workout that feels really good, and works! And that delights me lol;-) So finding some other moves that I have really liked, and can feel the benefit from makes me excited as I move along! I have noticed an increased tightening from my 23 days so far.....especially in my core.....lots of great wall stuff that strengthens all of that.......your core is engaged a great deal during her is Rachel's 28 day challenge on Youtube.....all free......and some of them are full body ones, and some days are just arms, legs, or abs......and stretching.....I am going to look for another challenge that I want to take on....I was thinking a plank one.....I hate but damn they I might find a feasible one to give myself alongside the rest! I am so excited for Monday, and to be working with these women, and see where this month takes them! I am so proud of them for saying YES to themselves and for taking a leap! And it is an honor to get to work with them:) ENJOY the day! :)

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