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Have been told as long as I can remember that I am strong. I would tend to agree.....My life has been full of opportunities to use that strength, and those life circumstances to grow and evolve, to push myself beyond my boundaries and find new places to explore. There is a strength that simmers inside of me when life’s greatest challenges occur that I cannot explain. My latest challenge has been the catalyst to finally start my blog and find a passion to become a life coach to other women!  Helping them find a life they are wildly passionate about, like I have! Life is a gift and a treasure, and it is what we make it! We are not the things that come to challenge us, we are the choices we make in the face of those challenges! I LOVE MY LIFE and am never looking back and you should too:) If this sounds like it is for you! CONTACT ME FOR MORE INFORMATION! This is MY life and through all of it, I AM GRATEFUL! GRATITUDE CHANGES EVERYTHING! We can ALL do hard things that end up changing our lives! :)

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Biopsy results........

I stood in the shower yesterday morning, thinking as the water and soap ran down my body, that yesterday would likely be the day they...

My kitchen.......

I was talking about my kitchen yesterday with somebody, and realizing as I was talking the frustration I feel at it not being done, and...

Our attention........

I have written many times about focusing on things and growing them......where our focus goes, so does growth or suffering......I think...


I decided to write about love today in honor of Valentine's Day.....and maybe kinda curious what my take on all of it is......been...

One day at a time........

That is a philosophy often attributed to somebody walking in sobriety.....but it really is a great way for all of us to live......just...

When disappointment arrives......

Disappointment is a tough arrives unexpectedly normally, within all different circumstances.....and I am learning to...

My breast biopsy, YIKES! .......

So yesterday was kind of a day.......turns out my calcifications are one hundred percent not a concern, but there has been an asymmetry...

A turn of events......

So I had written about the possibility of a biopsy on Valentine's Day, a hot date;-) but then on Wednesday the radiologist's office...

Armor up.......

I had a moment of clarity find me the other day that was pretty profound......last year teaching was super challenging.....amid the...

Mental gymnastics........

It occurred to me very clearly the other day that not only has my blog been crucial for my healing...... opening up my computer every...

Valentine's Day plans......

I spoke with the imaging place yesterday, they have been waiting on all my records so I can schedule my breast biopsy......and the...

The Universe has its say........

So tonight I was slated to begin my women's series.......6 women attending so far......and instead I am pushing it back till next...

This hit me hard.......

Sometimes something is said........or something is read......or heard..... and it hits the nail on the head........and hits you somewhere...

8 weeks changes everything..........

Think about how fast 8 weeks goes by......two months blink and its gone......and much of my physical transformation happened within a...

What makes us do this??

I have been marveling on this journey often at the things I get to do now, and all the life I have gotten to live in the last two...

Clarifying some things.......

I have to be ALL in......I have to be.........I am not sure that is always understood......when I committed to myself, this journey, my...

He will never know........

This stark fact and notion has hit me a few times hard on this journey......and I have explored my feelings surrounding it- but it...

Is this a thing?????.......

I wonder about lots......I kind of like that my mind works that way....wondering is like a little adventure.....but I am aware that I...

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How It Got Started

Have wanted to blog for as long as I can remember. Writing is my therapy. For years I have used my social media platform as an informal blog, and it was time to do the real thing......the catalyst being my husband walking out on us six days ago, seemed like as good a time as any to begin a brand new and brave journey! Recently I discovered that I want to become a life coach and help other women who have walked in my path! The sky is the limit and I am ready !!!😊

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How It Got Started

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2000, I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded Gratitude Journeys Life Coaching with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson 

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

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