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Have been told as long as I can remember that I am strong. I would tend to agree.....My life has been full of opportunities to use that strength, and those life circumstances to grow and evolve, to push myself beyond my boundaries and find new places to explore. There is a strength that simmers inside of me when life’s greatest challenges occur that I cannot explain. My latest challenge has been the catalyst to finally start my blog and find a passion to become a life coach to other women!  Helping them find a life they are wildly passionate about, like I have! Life is a gift and a treasure, and it is what we make it! We are not the things that come to challenge us, we are the choices we make in the face of those challenges! I LOVE MY LIFE and am never looking back and you should too:) If this sounds like it is for you! CONTACT ME FOR MORE INFORMATION! This is MY life and through all of it, I AM GRATEFUL! GRATITUDE CHANGES EVERYTHING! We can ALL do hard things that end up changing our lives! :)

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Kitchen READY!.........

I spend the weekend all in on my to do list.....and it felt incredible.....I had lots to do, and enough energy to do was so...

The nature of our nature........

As I learn more and more about people and all of the pieces that have come into my experience to learn......I believe we all have a very...


It is hard to see the amazing parts of our lives sometimes if life has been kinda heavy.....and it is my strategy to combat it all! To...


Nobody wants to be uncomfortable......our human nature is to right ourselves when we start to feel discomfort.....if we think about when...

Hey there Buddha.......

The other night I had trouble sleeping and I was up for a couple of hours......I am grateful that doesn't happen too often anymore, but...

A PUBLISHED author, oh my:)!!!!!!!

Dreams do absolutely come true......I believe that deeply, and what you work for finds you! Today the book that I am published in is set...

Shock and Awe returns......

I have written this blog, this specific one a few times on this journey....returning back to the shock and awe that still finds me in...

MY people and criteria........

This process and the experiences I have had the last few years has been a doing and an undoing of what I thought my "life...

20 years and YOUR lens....

My ex and I need to have a conversation, a sit down.....about so much......and he hasn't been able to do so for lots of reasons......and...

Cozy in.....

So this weekend my intention was to fall frolic about;-) And the weather is not supporting my intentions......and truthfully this week...

Just breathe.........

I have not been as consistent with my meditation as of late and I feel it again.....I do this meditation with my class every...

The pink light.........

There is a friend that I speak to pretty regularly, and she and I talk sometimes about the pink light........The pink light is...

Slaying demons..........

As I have journeyed in this story, and had to take a look at myself alongside the rest......and the things I carry with me in this...

FREE will.......

Is free will free?? That is a question I think of lately.....or maybe for will implies that we can make decisions that...

SUNSHINE! .......

I have said many times and deeply believe that what we focus on grows.....and we have the power to shift that focus and live in any...


Enough is a decision not an amount.......and gosh if that is not true.......when we reach the enough place it makes things so much...

Audacity and anchors..........

THIS week......has been a week.....ironically the full moon and eclipse were lovely for me, bringing some new treasures.......and...

THE decision.......

Making a decision is normally something I am pretty comfortable with......I feel my way through my life, and trust my heart and my gut...

The undercurrent......

I have written about my relatively newfound fascination and understanding of astrology, and how it has helped me in so many ways......the...

EVERY single time......

I did the online summit yesterday.....and it was exciting, and it felt REALLY good.....the crazy part is we have a finite amount of...

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How It Got Started

Have wanted to blog for as long as I can remember. Writing is my therapy. For years I have used my social media platform as an informal blog, and it was time to do the real thing......the catalyst being my husband walking out on us six days ago, seemed like as good a time as any to begin a brand new and brave journey! Recently I discovered that I want to become a life coach and help other women who have walked in my path! The sky is the limit and I am ready !!!😊

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How It Got Started

For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2000, I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded Gratitude Journeys Life Coaching with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and it has been a wild success ever since.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson 

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

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